I’m a Romanian-born immigrant who embarked on a journey with my family to America at the age of 6. My life has been a fusion of cultural experiences, shaping my worldview in unique ways. Professionally, I’ve traversed the realms of graphic design and marketing for over a decade, specializing in serving the corporate architecture, engineering, and construction industry. When I was only 14 years of age, I dove headfirst into website and graphic design and spent an entire summer developing my first website. Recently, I took a bold leap of faith to pursue my passion for creativity and go back to my roots as freelance consultant.

I’ve always had a deep connection with the paranormal world. From a young age, I’ve always been sensitive to what’s beyond the veil. As I got older, I began to have experiences communicating with the departed. Recently, I’ve discovered abilities that I’ve always had and never given enough attention to as an empath and psychic medium. This intersection of creativity and spirituality is where I thrive. It’s a space where I can blend my artistic talents with my intuitive gifts, creating meaningful experiences for both myself and those around me. Join me on this adventure as we unravel the mysteries of the unknown. You can check my YouTube series, and if you need assistance with your marketing, social media, or branding for your company or small business, I’m your girl!

Mineral Springs HotelInvestigation with Haunted Nights.
Alton, Illinois
St. Louis Haunted MansionSecond visit and overnight investigation.
Saint Louis, Missouri
Haunted BakeryHouse call investigation.

The Monica Medium Experience / Paranormal Investigations Series

Investigation at the haunted old ‘Chariton Restaurant’ in St. Louis, Missouri.

Distributed monthly and quarterly.

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